domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011


Can you imagine how there are many little children all over the world who are born genius and have the ability to do things that aren’t known for people in that age to do? Well there is and it took me quite some convincing to say so. When stimulations is developed at an early age, a higher IQ can be achieved later in life. A little kid names Mark is a perfect example. He is about five or six years old and at that early age, he is a PRO at piano. Once he hears a musical note, he can identify, just like mozart did. 40 classical music pieces are stored in his memory. a theory is that if you practice music throughout the day at an early age, your brain can develop certain parts a lot more than it would without. A case which is the polar opposite from mark is about a 12 year old who was locked all her life by her mentally unstable father. He claimed that he wanted to hide his daughter from the world, but when he did so, he left her without any mental stimulation. She is now a 12 year old with the mind of an 18month old. she cant speak and because of the lack of stimulation she lost all ability to do so properly. She was later abused at foster homes until the day of her death came.

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