lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Mind Reading

Have you ever played that game where in your mind you say "cough if you can hear this"? or ever thought if someone could hear your thoughts? We see it in Books, T.v and Movies all the time examples such as Heroes, Edward from the twilight series, Vladimir tod in the Vladimir tod chronicles. We always thought that mind reading was never possible, but what if it is? Modern scientist have discovered a way to read your mind using advanced technology. The MRI machines is desing to research how the brain works. it can analyze images, math problems, words, an does much more. When a person is put throught his test, the machine scan their brain for activity, giving a clear picture on what the person could be thinking by showing us which parts of the brain is in use while a thought happened. it can tell us if the person if thinking about an image or maybe a secrete. This machine has been used many times by doctor as to analyze what could be wrong when a person is having trouble with their brain. Thanks to the MRI machine, court trials have been determined. People who claimed they were innocent were really found guilty and thrown into jail. technology is more advanced each day and this machine (MRI) is just another step in the staricase to succes ;) The MRI machine has given un an insight on what we never thought possible.