viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Inside The Teenage Brain

Change is constant during our teenage years. This is confusing for the parents as well as the teenagers themselves. things like relationships, sleeping habits and mood. Teenagers feel like they can handle everything themselves, when we actually need help but are too proud to ask for it. Teenagers sleep for over hours and still feel tired. one minute they can be hyper, the next depressed and for last they can be grumpy? why does all of this happen? Well during the teenage our brain is constantly changing. Out frontal lobe is growing and changing, and it is this part of the brain that deals with emotions hence the whole mood swings. Parents and their teenagers fight quite often because of the simplest of things and that is because us as teenagers feel like theyre over protective, they control us way to much and do let us be. while that might be the case our parents are only trying to help us and do the best for us considering they already went through that stage. I personally feel like i always need my mother, but when she tries to reach out the first thing I want to do is back away. Sleep is an important factor for teenagers because if we keep a healthy sleeping habit we can do so much good and school and in our personal lives, if not we fail and school and suffer sleep depravation. The teenage years might be the hardest but certainly the most fun ones.

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