domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011
Narcolepsy is a dieses in which the victim is affected by suddenly falling asleep at any time of the day as many times as the brain orders. This disease is very dangerous because the person can be walking in the street, cooking, driving or doing anything else that might cause a sudden death due to the brain responding to their tiredness. On the video that we watched in class we saw how an elderly man named Mohamed suffered this sickness. He tries to live as normal as he can but he knows its nearly impossible, his wife needs to be with him at all times taking care of him and picking him up whenever he falls asleep. We were able to see how Mohamed fell asleep suddenly in the street. Mohamed and his wife need to live with the constant humiliation of him falling asleep in public places and people misunderstanding him and believing he is a drug addict or an alcoholic. During his daily routing Mohamed need to wear a special security hat to protect himself from getting hurt all around to house especially when he is helping his wife in the kitchen washing the dishes or something else. Having this peculiar dieses must be very uncomfortable and annoying
Goodnight & Sweet Dreams.
Why do we dream? This question has been a constant one for scientists for a long time now. Most scientists explain dreaming as our way of organizing the information we have gathered throughout our day.While we are asleep, our brain can swift through different stages of sleep. There are five different stages that we go through in order to fall asleep. The first stage can be considered as the transition period between wakefulness and sleep, and your brain produces theta waves. In the second stage, the brain starts producing rapid, rhythmic brain wave activity, our body temperature starts to decrease and heart rate begins to slow down. Stage 3 is said to be the transitional period between light sleep and a very deep sleep and our brain produces slow brain waves know as delta waves. Stage 4 is considered the deep sleep stage. Stage 5 is also know as Rapid Eye Movement (REM), in which your respiration rate and brain activity increases. Muscles become more relaxed and heavy dreaming occurs during this stage.During REM sleep, your body becomes paralyzed to avoid you from getting up and acting out your dreams. These are some people who have a disorder in which they get up and act their dreams, which is dangerous for themselves and others around.Scientists carried out an experiment and found out that deep sleep produces positive dreams whereas REM sleep produces negative dreams. About 75% of our dreams are negative and our parietal lobe is responsible four our dreaming. They say that dreams help us solve problems and survive, but there is not an exact and proved reason on why we dream.
miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011
Sensory Depravation... yikees!
Eyes and ears covered and unable to move or complete darkness and isolation to the point that you go... crazy? sucks right, well thats what six people thought at least. Six people volunteered to take a test, where they completely isolated them. 48 hours they had to undergo with no brain stimulation at all. it must have been the hardest 48 hours of their lives. some got so bored they started pacing back and forth for complete hours. others started signing as a way to entertain themselves, and one... well she fell asleep throughout the whole experiment (personally thats what I would do). Sensory deprivation affects your senses and the way your whole body acts. It makes you go week and crazy to the point where you think.. am i still alive? Sensory Depravation is used as a method of torture during wars. The United States has one of this "facilities" in Guantanamo Bay, located in Cuba. War prisoners and ect are delivered there to take information out of them. People who have gotten out of there have been left scared for life. Simple things they could do before, are now unavailable to them. The memory is enough torture to last a life time.
1. synesthesia- condition of brain where stimilation of a sense causes automatic stimulation of another sense.

2. Grapheme color synesthesia- letters or numbers appear in color.

3. Ordinal linguistic personification- numbers, days of the week and month of the year take on persoalities.

4. Number form synesthesia- numbers, dys of the week and or months of the year are seen in precise locations in space.

5. Sound color synesthesia- words cause specific taste sensations in the mouth.

6. Lexical gustatory synesthesia- One of the rarer forms of synesthesia, in which spoken or written words evoke vivid sensations of taste, sometimes including temperature and texture.

2. Grapheme color synesthesia- letters or numbers appear in color.

3. Ordinal linguistic personification- numbers, days of the week and month of the year take on persoalities.

4. Number form synesthesia- numbers, dys of the week and or months of the year are seen in precise locations in space.

5. Sound color synesthesia- words cause specific taste sensations in the mouth.

6. Lexical gustatory synesthesia- One of the rarer forms of synesthesia, in which spoken or written words evoke vivid sensations of taste, sometimes including temperature and texture.

Mental Abilities: Genius, Savant and Autism
1. Explain what "savant syndrome" means.
Savant syndrome: a rare condition in which people with developmental disorders have one or more areas of expertise, ability, or brilliance that are in contrast with the individual's overall limitations.
2. What does genius mean? Explain the difference between genius and savant.
2. What does genius mean? Explain the difference between genius and savant.
Genius: A person of extraordinary intellect and talent.
The difference between a savant and a genius is that a savant is born with it and a genius is not. A genius person is someone embodying exceptional intellectual ability while a savant is someone who has difficulties in learning, thought becomes talented in a specific are such mathematics, music, science
3. What is a stroke and how could it affect your mental functioning?
3. What is a stroke and how could it affect your mental functioning?
A stoke is the rapidly developing loss of brain function(s) due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. This can lead to death or affecting a part of the brain and not making it function. It can lead to inability to move, understand language, or inability in the vision are.
4. What is a functional MRI and how does it help us understand brain activity?
4. What is a functional MRI and how does it help us understand brain activity?

5. What is the corpus callosum and what role does it play in your brain's activity?
Is a wide, flat bundle of neural fibers beneath the cortex in the eutherian brain at the longitudinal fissure. It connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres and facilitates interhemispheric communication.
6. What is epilepsy and how might it affect your brain's abilities?
6. What is epilepsy and how might it affect your brain's abilities?
Is a common chronic neurological disorder characterized by seizures. This makes people have difficulties their whole life.
7. What is autism?
Autism causes kids to experience the world differently from the way most other kids do. It's hard for kids with autism to talk with other people and express themselves using words. Kids who have autism usually keep to themselves and many can't communicate without special help.
8. What is Asperger's Syndrome?
Is a neurobiological disorder that is part of a group of conditions calledautism spectrum disorders. The term "autism spectrum" refers to a range of developmental disabilities that includes autism as well as other disorders with similar characteristics.
Me a Genius? HAHAHA
Ever heard of something called accidental genius? Savants would be the more technical term. Savants are people with developmental disorders and usually have one or more areas in which they can be considered “genius”. Over half of the savant population have autistic disorder, and the other half having developmental disability, such as brain injury and diseases. In most savants the left hemisphere of the brain is more active than the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the area of the brain that focuses on the arts and functions by rational thinking. In the video, we met savants who can memorize every single book they’ve read, others who are excellent artists, and others who can tell you the date of any given date—all with no prior learning to do what they do. Scientists have concluded that the left hemisphere of savants are strongly more dominant than ones of an average person. once the left side is more active, it does what it does best. Scientists are now constructing the “thinking cap” in which it temporarly distorts the right side of your brain to allow the left side to unravel your hidden talents. Being a savant is such a rare disorder that there are as little as 100 savants in the whole world.
Make me a GENIUS.
Genius.. it can be something you are naturally gifted with, or you may acquire it. how? easy: PRACTICE. if you have an early stimulation everything is made so much easier for you. need proof, i'll give you proof: Susan Polgar. Susan when young found pieces of chess and since then it was instant chemistry. Her father seeing her fascination about it made her read and memorize thousands of book about the strategies in chess, and having her PRACTICE against the best chess players. All of his efforts were not in vain, as Polgar quickly rose to victory as the best, and proving that women were not mentally inferior compared to men as many believe. Susan Polgar molded herself into chess, making her a genius at her. She can win a match in 60 seconds and order a whole chess set in 3. Susan Polgar is now following her father's footsteps in the future of her young son.
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